This photo series was created as a preparation for a portrait shoot, focusing exclusively on the exterior of the Goldene Bar. The images capture the impressive façade of the Haus der Kunst, known for its clean lines and monumental architecture. While the building has a complex history, the focus is on the present-day use of the Goldene Bar—a vibrant spot that attracts both tourists and locals alike.
The series highlights how the massive stone walls and architectural elements are seamlessly integrated into the modern surroundings, creating a unique atmosphere. The exterior of the bar, located near the Eisbach wave and the English Garden, offers a blend of historical architecture with urban lifestyle and natural beauty.
These photos document not just the physical structure of the Goldene Bar but also its role as a popular gathering place in Munich. Here, history and the present merge harmoniously, without the past overshadowing the contemporary character of the location. From the portrait shoot with Eva, an actress and yoga teacher, emerged a series of truly beautiful images.
Capture Information: June 2022, Analog Medium Format (CineStill, FujiFilm)